Little Red Riding Hood is growing up. Surrounded by a dizzyingly changing world, she wants to grow up equal. But when she talks about it with her grandmother, a veteran feminist, they understand such basic concepts as “woman”, “gender” and “feminism” in such different and even opposing ways. How is…
This blog
Hilandera means “spinner”/”weaver” in Spanish. This is a blog by H. I. Landera to reflect on whetherthe way we are weaving words leads us towards an equality network or rather a spider’s web. Because, as Celia Amorós said, we cannot make good policies without clear concepts. It has three sections…
I feel, you feel, she hates
How curious: the people who defend that “only one knows what one feels and what one is” are the first to claim they know what Rowling feels: namely hatred, hatred, transphobia and more transphobia. Whatever she says, whatever discursive arguments or data she offers – accurate or not, that’s another…
1.- A divided 8M. Avoidable?
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